Interpreting data in visual is the newest alternative to data gathering and feedback delivering. Data is no longer gathered in large quantities of words, numbers and thesis. It has been discovered that the human brain captures more of video like the camera. Also, humans find televizedtelevised information easy to assimilate. Visual data analysis birthed infographics, animation and graphs. The report can be in hard copy or software. This particular report is always colorful as the use of numbers, graphics, colors and images are used in reporting the data.
In visual data analysis, there is the principle of delivering feedback of data gathered with part to a whole. It is a means of debunking data and reducing it without altering the result. This principle applies the use of a part of an entity to represent the whole. In most cases charts, diagram of those variables are used to represent the data major variable.
I will be sharing how I use Tableau as a data visualization tool. This entails the use of charts to analyze data. Charts like pie chart, line chart, bar chart and others. This part to whole method shows a part of a variable in relation to its total. The angles of each variable is given a specific color, that without reading the topic you will understand the result.
The aim of part to a whole is to accomplish two things:
- To compare the sizes of all variable to see which is bigger.
- To identify the essence of each variable to the whole.
In an instance where census is conducted of Persons living with disabilities,(PWD) is taken in the United Kingdom. The result of such census can be analyzed with a represention of data characterized by the aids used by PWD’s in a chart.
- Pie chart alternatives: This chart comes in circles. The circle is divided in the proportion of each variable and colored differently. In drafting this chart, caution needs to be applied. The division of the angle must be accurate The difference in each variable can be identified with colours. This particular chart is not easy to understand. It takes at least five minutes to completely understand the pie chart. The middle point of the circle is the starting point and the circumference of the circle is where the sizes is demacateddemarcated.
- Stacked bar Chart Alternatives: The difference between this chart and Bar chart is the stacking. This chart is drafted in a single bar with multiple columns. The bar are divided into sizes and colours are also different. The lowest can easily be determined by anyone reading the report. It is a chart where bars are placed on bars. The bars are not even because the variable they represent have different numbers. These two alternatives get to help data analyzers present data summary in a more simple format with the use of Alternative very common to their audience. Audience and stakeholders will not be bored by them.